[Tutor] Turning some Tkinter stuff into classes

Martyn Quick m_r_quick@yahoo.co.uk
Sat, 17 Feb 2001 11:47:04 +0000

I have the following code which *seems* to work ok:

from Tkinter import *

class Popup:
	def __init__(self,master):
		self.win = Toplevel(master)

def popup():
	newwin = Popup(root)

class PopupButton:
	def __init(self,master):
		self.button = Button(master,text="New!",command=popup)

root = Tk()
button = PopupButton(root)


The problem is that the definition of "popup" is stylistically horrible
(I think - I'm still rather new to Object Oriented Programming) since it
has to refer to the fixed object root, but I'm using it within the class
PopupButton, so could theoretically create another object with no
reference to root using this class.  My attempt to create a better
definition inside the class definition was as follows:

from Tkinter import *

class Popup:
	def __init__(self,master):
		self.win = Toplevel(master)

class PopupButton:
	def __init__(self,master):

	def popup(self,master):
		self.newwin = Popup(master)

root = Tk()
button = PopupButton(root)


Of course, the above didn't work - I got the new popup window
immediately and the button didn't do anything.  Other attempts to do a
similar thing (deleting the master reference in the various bits of the
popup command) produced syntax errors.

Any suggestions to correct what it is wrong in my second attempt?



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