[Tutor] building a tuple

Darrell Brogdon darrell@brogdon.net
Wed, 14 Feb 2001 23:48:59 -0500

Ok, so for example, I'm getting the following data:

Field Name        Value
fname             John
lname             Doe
address           123 Any St.
city              Anytown

Now I know I can manually build a tuple out of this data with the following:

    my_tuple {
        "fname" : "John",
        "lname" : "Doe",
        "address" : "123 Any St."
        "city" : "Anytown"

But obviously with this data coming from the database I wouldn't know what the values are.  I've figured out how to get the data out of the 
database for the most part.  Now its just a matter of how to get that data into a tuple.

I think partly I'm confusing myself with my knowledge of PHP where you can pretty much get away with anything. :)


R. A. wrote:

> Can you provide a little more info?  Info on tuples themselves may be
> found in all the standard tutorials.  Do you have to interact with the
> database itself, or just with a data table?
> Rob
> Darrell Brogdon wrote:
>> I'm curious as to how to build a tuple out of data that I'm getting from a database result set.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Darrell Brogdon
>> http://darrell.brogdon.net
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Darrell Brogdon