[Tutor] IDLE in linux

Jeff Jones thejoness3@attbi.com
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 16:11:46 -0500

I tried ./idle but got this error (retyped from linux to outlook):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./idle", line 5, in ?
     from idlelib import idleconf
ImportError: No module IdleConf

Thanks for all your help! I know I have seen people ask similar ?'s. Is
there an archive of this list somewhere?
----- Original Message -----
From: <alan.gauld@bt.com>
To: <thejoness3@attbi.com>; <tutor@python.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 12:51 PM
Subject: RE: [Tutor] IDLE in linux

> > and configure Slackware, X, and Gnome.
> Well done!
> > great except I cannot use IDLE.
> Assuming you built IDLE with Tkinter support built in....
> > /usr/local/Python2.2c1/Tools/idle and the idle command is
> > there, but when I try to run it from bash I
> > get "command not found".
> How exactly did you try to run IDLE?
> $ python idle.py
> Should do it if you are in the same directory as idle.py
> > run it in X
> Yes you will need X running.
> > I also tried at python command line without success.
> That probably won't work, your best to use the Bash prompt.
> You could create an alias for bash:
> alias idle='python <your idle path here>/idle.py'
> Or a link to the idle.py file from GNOME if the association
> of .py and python is set up.
> Alan G.