[Tutor] class and objects and such

Kirk Bailey deliberatus@my995internet.com
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 14:00:29 -0500

Ok, first, do you like to be addressed as Sean, Shaleh, Mr Perry, or
something REALLY silly?

Second, I have taken your gentle repremand to heart regarding line
length. Here is a somewhat updated posting of the latest edition of the

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On 15-Dec-2001 Kirk Bailey wrote:
> > Antacid pills?
> because you do not honour the tradition of !80! chars per line.  Which is why
> wordwrap is an issue.
> The common commenting style is a block of comments and then a block of code.
> If a comment is required on this line it is usually a simple, short blurb.
> ## This is the setup for my cool function.
> ## Preconditions: we have an open file
> ## Postconditions: message will be a dictionary containing the rfc822 parsed
> ## contents of the file
> def myfunc(file):
>         ....
>         ....
>         message = Message(file) # feed the whole file to rfc822's Message class
>         ....
>         ....
> > Well, at least it is liberally commented. BEWARE WORDWRAP! it is
> > attached.
> >
> Ok, let's start simply.  Have you read the top of rfc822.py?  Which also
> appears a rfc822.__doc__.
> If so, could you point out where in your code you are having problems?  More
> than happy to help, just need a starting point.

# Tinylist MLM Pitchtime module.
# COPYRIGHT 2002 Kirk D Bailey
# And made available under the GNU GPL.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License               #
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software                     #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307,
USA.     #
# Also, the GNU GPL may be viewed online at
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html  #
#   "The tyrant's foe, the people's friend, a free press." -Dr Benjamin
# Python can be studied and aquired at http://www.python.org/ !!!
# This module only handles receiving and sending out postings to a list.
# management of membership is handled by the favored command module
# - TLwebcommand, TLemailcommand, or both.
# we now import some functions from assorted libraries.

import sys, re, string, rfc822, smtplib, os.path

# someday we will collect each needed function
# and create a module just of those and distribute it
# with tinylist.

# make sure you set this to YOUR domain!
localhost = 'mydomain.foo'

# next line declares the path to stuff. DEFINE IT for *YOUR* server!
path = '/www/www.howlermonkey.net/cgi-bin'
# to the cgi-bin for your web dir,
# with no trailing '/'!
# note this tells TL where to start looking.
# everything is either here, or under this
# point in '/lists/' dir, mostly in '/lists/'.
# we read a command line arguement to determine the list name
listname = sys.argv[1]
# Arguement 0 is the name of the script run, 1 is the
# first arguement after that name in the command line,
# so this tells us the name of the email identity being addressed-

# variable 'incoming' receives the entire incoming message
# which is piped to the script on <stdin> which this reads by the alias
# such as:
#         foolist:"|/pathtoprogram/programname foolist"
incoming = raw_input.lines()

# this block will contain the rfc822 decoding code when we get it
# Using rfc822.py, we digest the message and make parts available to the
message = rfc822.message(incoming)
# end of dummycode. Hereafter we act as if it is decoded.
# The information is in the dictionary 'message', each item keyed with
the header's
# name. The BODY of that dictionary is in the string 'msg'. So are any

from = message.getAddr("From")	# we must dig out the 'from: ' field
# Note we already know who it is TO - 'listname' !
# Remember, the mail ssytem fed it here with a command
# line arguement, after sorting it out to a known identity,
# so the list's defining alias contains that info.

Strip whitespace chars off every element in the list passed to this
def gangstrip(str):					# ok, everybody STRIP!
	index = 0						# initiate counter=0
	while index<len(str)				# define loopp terination
		str[index]=string.strip(str[index])	# and strip each element.
		index=index+1				# increase the index pointer

# ok, let's read that membership file. it is named (listname) with no
name extension.
open a.file(path + "/lists/" + listname, 'r')						
members = a.readlines()					# read all of it in.
a.close()							# and close the file

# then we look to see if that FROM exists in the membership.
# clean it up;
gangstrip(members)	# strip all leading and trailing whitespace
				# from each element in the list 'members'.

# then we look to see if the sender is a member of the list:
if from in members :	# IF the sender is in the subscriber file, 
	subject = '[' + listname + ']' + subject	# then accept the submission.
	if os.path.exists(path + "/lists/" +listname +".replyto"):	
		Reply_to = "Reply-to: " + listname + "@" + localhost + CRLF # set the
	else:			# Reply-to: field.
		Reply_to = ""	# if not, this string
				# is NULL.

	X-Loop = "X-Loop: " + listname + "@" + localhost	# This breaks email 
								# loops from forming

	if os.path.exists(path + "/lists/" + listname + ".footer"):	# if there
is a 
									# footer, read it!
		ftr = open(path + "/lists/" + listname + ".footer",'r')	# read the
									# file
		footer = ftr.readlines()				# into 'ftr'
		ftr.close()						# close that file,
		msg = msg + footer + CRLF				# and append it to 
									# the message. 

	if os.path.exists(path + "/lists/"+listname+".random"):	# if this list
has a random 
								# rotation file,
		f1=open("./lists/"+listname+".random",'r')	# Open the random footer
								# rotation file
		randomline=gangstrip(f1.readlines())		# load the contents of the
								# rotation
		f1.close()					# then close the file
		msg = msg + randomline + CRLF			# and add the random element 								#
to the footer.
# this end processing for an acceptable posting. Next block handles
process for REJECTED postings.
else								# BUT IF THEY ARE NOT
								# SUBSCRIBED...
	listnamemembers = from					# put poster addres as the
								# recipient in list
								# 'listnamemembers'
	msg = ""						# and clear the mesage.
	From = "From: tinylist@" + localhost + \n 		#
	Subject = "Subject: Unauthorized posting to list: " + listname + \n #
Set subject
	Reply_to = "Reply-to: postmaster@" + localhost + \n 	# replys go to the
	X-Loop = "X-Loop: postmaster@" + localhost		# This breaks email
loops 								# from forming
	msg = """
		To whom it may concern;
		Sorry, but as you are not a current member of """ + listname + """, 
		you may not post to it. Your recent posting has been rejected and
		Feel free to contact the postmaster if there is any question.
		Any reply to this letter should go directly to the postmaster.
		You can also subscribe to this list if you like.

# BTW, that was the end of the ELSE clause from way above.
# there cannot be comments in those line  				
# above this one, or they would be part
# of the triplequoted string!
# ok, if they are not a member, THEY GET 
# (Maybe we could read a stock answer from a file?)
# there is no endif or fi in python.
# whitespace and tabulation therefore
# is rather important here.

# now we send whatever message is to go out to 
# whatever is in the recipient list.
server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')	# setup for a smtp run.
# helo(localhost)			# open a connection to the smtp server,
					# possibly not needed
					# so it is commented out. If all else fails, use it.
server.connect()			# and log in to the thing
					# as the identity this script runs as.
for to in listnamemembers :		# for each address in the list
	server.sendmail(from, to, Subject, reply-to, X-Loop, msg)	# send
envlope and msg!
									# don't delete this line!
server.quit()								# then close the connection.

# make sure this script runs as a TRUSTED USER-
# and NOT as root!!! You set that up in the Sendmail
# Config file (sendmail.cf).
# Make sure that a NON-priviliged user OWNS
# this script, and that it runs as that identity!
# this list is devloped by THE OLD FART and a fine bunch of
# dingleberrys at www.tinylist.org where you can hop on the
# bandwagon at your convience.
# We have lists there, which only seems right somehow.
# they are:
# tinylist-users - discussion for all aspects of using 
#                  tinylist; somewhat technical.
# tinylist-chat - for all intrested in tl, lists, python,
#                 email: a broad charter! 
# tinylist-devlopers - discussion of new versions, features, 
#                      and bugchasing.
# evil-humnor - sick, raunchy, crusty, cynical, depraved, 
#               deprived humor? OVER HERE!
# Fnord.
------------------------------end compressed

             -Kirk D Bailey (C)2001
              Addme! icq #27840081

Within the sweep of his sword, Each man is an Ubar.
