[Tutor] Free SoCal LAN

Kirk Bailey deliberatus@my995internet.com
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 03:22:35 -0500

Hot DAMN! where?

Tron wrote:
> I dig free what about you guys?  Just wanted to let anyone know if they
> wanted to take a break from coding or even share some knowledge.
>     Sub Matrix is throwing a Lan Party December 28th through the 30th. Best
> part of it the lan is it is totally free. We will have a ton of soda, food,
> and the admission is waived for the whole weekend. I will be putting up a
> sign up page on our web site Wednesday so you can register. If we are full
> by next Wednesday I will be able to look into getting some prizes for a few
> tournaments.
> Location:Hat Lan www.hatlan.com
> Price:Free
> Soda/Food:Included
> Opennings:70-80
> Register:www.submatrix.com/lanparty
> Contact:Tron@submatrix.com
> -Tron
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             -Kirk D Bailey (C)2001
              Addme! icq #27840081

Within the sweep of his sword, Each man is an Ubar.
