[Tutor] Now has come the time to choose an editor

Andrei Kulakov ak@silmarill.org
Fri, 07 Dec 2001 04:04:34 -0500

On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 07:00:18AM +0100, Kalle Svensson wrote:
> [Jean Montambeault]
> >     Emacs would be my first choice. Is there anything else that would run on
> > any platform ?
> Well, emacs runs on Unix and Windows.  If that's good enough, I'd suggest you
> go for it.  Another alternative might be IDLE, which should run on most
> platforms.  It is distributed with Python and is written in Python.  It's okay
> for editing and debugging Python, but I prefer emacs.
> Other editors that have been mentioned by people in similar threads include
>  - vi(m) (at least Unix and Windows)
>  - Ultraedit (only Windows?)
>  - Pythonwin (only Windows)
>  - Jed (Unix, maybe Windows?)
> And probably more.  But remember (from
> http://www.dina.kvl.dk/~abraham/religion/size.html):
> """
> > Emacs is a pig.
> Small minds -- small executables.
> """

Would that mean Gates is Mozart and Da Vinci rolled into one? :P

> Peace,
>   Kalle
> -- 
> [  Laziness, impatience, hubris:  Pick two!  ]
> [   International: http://www.gnupung.net/   ]
> [ Svenska: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~kalle/ ]
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