[Tutor] Re: [Swig] Installation problems

William S Fulton wsf@fultondesigns.co.uk
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 22:30:05 -0000

> I want to generate a python shadow class from an excisting c++ file by
> using SWIG and VC++ 6.0 under Windows 2000 and i think that something
> went wrong with the installation of SWIG under VC++. Can anyone give me
> an advise where i can find detailed information of the installation
> process ? It seems that there are some binding problems of SWIG with
> VC++.
Download swigwin-1.3.9 by selecting 'All Releases' at
http://www.swig.org/download.html. Read the ReadmeWindows.txt file with the
download, it tells you everything you need to know - you will also have to
download the main swig-1.3.9 package as per instructions in the readme file.
