[Tutor] Division

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 13:03:41 -0500

[Gregor Lingl]
> Oh! (*flush!* (red))
> What a mistake!
> I wanted to say:
> C:\python22\tools\python -Qnew idle.py
>                                ^^^^^^^
> doesn't work
> (And it doesn't!)

You're right, it doesn't work -- Guido and I are looking into why (it's a
mystery so far!).

When that's fixed, note that you should never run a Tkinter app on Windows
with python.exe:  a Tk bug can cause unpredictable system hangs on Win9x
when the app shuts down.  You'll want to use pythonw.exe and idle.pyw