[Tutor] sorry about the HTML

Rob Andrews rob@jam.rr.com
Sun, 26 Aug 2001 19:55:14 -0500

paul wrote:
> hello all you pythonians,
>     i just want to say that i'm sorry for all those miserably hard to
> understand HTML email messages that i've been sending out.  i'm using
> Outlook Express, and i dont always remember to change the format, and i just
> noticed this when reading my messages in other people's messages.  so,
> whenever anyone responds to my emails again, and my message is in HTML, just
> give a quick reminder to me to change that.  i'll finally catch on after a
> while.  sorry,
> paul brown

Dah, must be careful. I made the same mistake and was sentenced to
maintaining Useless Python without hope of parole!

A {} is a terrible thing to waste.
Useless Python!