[Tutor] How does python find the modules I install ???

Tesla Coil tescoil@irtc.net
Thu, 16 Aug 2001 16:51:43 -0500

On 16 August 2001, Simon Vandemoortele wrote:
> Thx, I think that will solve my problem. Two remarks:
> 1 - Wouldn't it be a lot easier if python kept it's 
> path in a file that can be altered easily ???

Let's consider the immediate situation:  MySQL-python
is 2.0 compatible.  You are 2.0 compatible.  That's the
Python of it, as far as that's concerned, you shouldn't
*need* to alter your path.  The problem is the rpm build.
More essentially, the problem is that Red Hat 7.1 remains
system dependent on 1.5.2 at the expense of their users' 
ability to do an easy upgrade of the interpreter, and the
MySQL-python rpm is built to accommodate that anachronism. 

This would be a Nice Gesture Maybe if the net result were
not to turn the main advantage of rpm upside down.  This
rpm is provided to make it easy *not* to upgrade, with no
such reward for being more up to speed and running SuSE.

> 2 - Regarding your move solution: maybe I can avoid 
> the rpm -e problem by putting a symlink instead of
> moving the files ???

On reflection, I'd sooner take a crash course and build
a proper rpm.  Hmm...