[Tutor] sys.exit() not working

fleet@teachout.org fleet@teachout.org
Sat, 4 Aug 2001 18:40:15 -0400 (EDT)

>From: Bruce Sass <bsass@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] sys.exit() not working
>On Sat, 4 Aug 2001 fleet@teachout.org wrote:
>> In the following code sys.exit() fails on the first test (denoted
>> <---FAILS); but works fine on the second test (denoted <---WORKS).
>You need to test if "files" is really a list of files, or a message
>from "ls", Python has no way of knowing the later is really an error.

That was my problem!  Thanks!  See my reply to Michael.

				- fleet -