[Tutor] Moduling

tyson toussaint tyson571us@yahoo.com
Tue, 24 Apr 2001 08:18:25 -0700 (PDT)

Could you direct me to someone who can help me with
moduling problems.  I seem to be able to draft simple
functions and make them run.  But I cannot call that
very same function as a module into a different

If yours is the correct place to go, please give VERY
specific explanation of how to save the module and
call  it.  I say very specific, because I have Gauld's
and Beazley's books, and their very general
instructions seem beyond my ability to copy.

I am very ignorant about programming; I don't care how
simple your assistance, it will not be insulting -
though I do know how to turn the computer on.


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