[Tutor] ool

Kojo kojo@hal-pc.org
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 19:40:25 -0500

At 04:27 PM 4/16/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>I really think my older statement really was spot-on: "Java is Cobol 2.0."

I'm no great lover of Java, but man, that even hurts MY feelings.

As a recovering Accounting PhD student who has always been interested in 
Computers (I'm leaving the Accounting PhD program to start work on a Comp 
Sci BS in the fall) , someone's always trying to talk to be about 
COBOL.  Puh-Leaze!!  Didn't we learn anything from Y2K?   My research area 
was Accounting Info Systems, and when people found that out, too many of 
them wanted to dazzle me with the fact that they'd  heard of COBOL, not 
knowing that it was like telling a neurosurgeon that they knew what leeches 

Ok, maybe that's a bit extreme, but I think you get my drift.

"Java is Cobol 2.0."  I may have to use that Deirdre.  I've already used 
your sig about "deadlines swooshing by" in a conversation  You (and Douglas 
Adams)were cited, or course.

Kojo Idrissa
