mbc2@netdoor.com mbc2@netdoor.com
Tue, 3 Apr 2001 07:07:00 -0500 (CDT)

Its not immediately apparent, but there is ODBC connectivity included with
python already, at least on the ActiveState Windows version I'm
using. Look at the database modules (under Special Topics) section of the
Python website. There's an ODBC module listed there. There isn't alot of
documentation on it, but it's been working fine for me.

On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Sharriff Aina wrote:

> Could someone point me to a tutorial or a Module that gives me access to =
> ACCESS( no pun intended)? I=B4ve searched FAQTS and the vaults of Parness=
> and came up with mxODBC which is not free anymore, I would need a free or
> open solution for my application
> Best regards
> Sharriff
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