[Tutor] Unicode, Tkinter, and Duct Repairs

Joseph Stubenrauch nothingisgoingtochangemyworld@yahoo.com
Sat, 23 Sep 2000 14:33:02 -0700 (PDT)

Hello all,

Thanks for all the help on my last question.  The
advice from Denis of http://www.p3b.com was especially

I am wondering what sort of support python and tkinter
offer for unicode.  There are a few unusual characters
which are supported by unicode, yet do not appear in
fonts claiming to have unicode support.  Is there
anyway through python or tkinter that I can get at
these characters?

Secondly, and simply, I need a kick in the right
direction.  I am trying to delete the last character
that has been entered into an entry widget.  I have
the whole insert thing down pat, but I can't seem to
delete things properly.  I just need a good example to
get me going (since man pages seem to just boggle me).
I was hoping entrywidget.delete(END - 1) would work,
but I suppose that was a bit optimistic of me. =)

Help on either question is much appreciated.



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