[Tutor] Python Books - One Man's Opinion

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon, 23 Oct 2000 10:22:57 +0100

>   I'd like to add Alan Grayson's book to that list 

Is that meant to be John Grayson's book on Tkinter?[*]
Or is there another one by Alan Grayson? If so what's 
its title (and subject scope) coz I've never seen it?

Curiously yours,

Alan G.

[*] If so I'd rate it 3 stars, it covers a niche 
area(Tkinter) reasonably well but starts from a 
pretty high platform - assuming you already know 
Tkinter basics - and misses some reference material. 
My standard reference for programming Tkinter remains 
the O'Reilly nutshell guide to Tcl/Tk!