[Tutor] Output of os.system("c:\myprog.exe") "piped" to a python object ?

Marcel Preda marcel@punto.it
Tue, 10 Oct 2000 19:23:59 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, nicolas baurin wrote:

> Hello to everybody,
> clearly i'm using  os.system() to launch an external program ;i have to
> "redirect" what comes into the console  (standard output of the external
> program) towards a  python object: sys.stdout is not enough since it's
> applying to the python interpretor...
> Merci d'avances  et bonne soir=E9e,

On Unix you can use `popen' like that:

import os
raw_input("will print the result (after Enter):")
while (a):
    print a

I dont have here a Win to tel you more about this,
look at the popen2 module, if popen don't work...