[Tutor] Hotfolder 1st attempt

Scott Ralph scott@zenplex.com
Wed, 08 Nov 2000 10:11:36 -0500

Daniel Yoo wrote:

> On Mon, 6 Nov 2000, Scott Ralph wrote:
> > from time import *
> > from stat import *
> The only thing I could point out is that you might not want to import
> everything within time or stat.  You can be more specific, like:
>     from time import sleep
> It's considered good practice to pull out only the functionality that you
> need from modules; that way, people can see exactly which functions you're
> using from other modules.
> Another related reason is to avoid wacky problems with name conflicts: if
> either the 'time' or 'stat' modules had shared the same function names,
> one would have taken precedence over the other, which is tricky to detect.
> Otherwise, from a quick look, I think that your program looks good.  You
> might want to un-hardcode '20' from your code, and make it a parameter of
> getDirContents.
> I'm taking a local look into the statements now.
> *** time passes ***
> I'm not quite sure what:
> >            S_ISREG(mode)
> is doing; according to the documentation:
> """S_ISREG (mode)
>      Return non-zero if the mode is from a regular file."""
> which means that it doesn't affect anything --- it only returns a true or
> false value.  It looks mysterious, so you might want to check that
> statement.
> Hope this helps!
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Thanks for the feedback,  I removed the S_ISREG(mode) I didn't need it.  Does
your first suggestion also speed things up? from time import sleep.  Thanks
again for the feedback.