[Tutor] Python x ibook

Deirdre Saoirse deirdre@deirdre.net
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 11:42:41 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, Corran Webster wrote:

> At 6:49 PM +0000 30/3/00, Matheus Rodrigues wrote:
> > Is there anyone here that could tell me what are the Python features that I
> > will not have in a ibook (notebook from apple) ?
> > What are my limits once I try to run Python on this machine ?
> Although I don't have an iBook, Python should run on it in the same manner
> it would on any other Macintosh.

It does. I have an iBook and have Python on it.

> The most noticable differences from the Unix and Windows versions are:
>     * none of the standard POSIX features (pipes, forking, access
>       to command-line interfaces, etc) since the Mac does not have these.

Well, the Mac *does* have forking, but through its process manager and
it's simply not the same. Since MacOS X will have it (and MacOS X Server
already does), it may not be worth bothering to write.

_Deirdre   *   http://www.linuxcabal.org   *   http://www.deirdre.net
"The year after I was born, we walked on the moon. Now, 31 years later,
it's considered an impressive feat of science to grow tomatoes in low 
Earth orbit."                           -- John Miles <ke5fx@qsl.net>