[Tutor] learning a Programming language

Gerrit Holl gerrit@nl.linux.org
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 23:28:41 +0100

<quote name="Legacy" date="951905476" email="legacy@ihug.co.nz">
> I wish to learn programming under the Windows environment (Win 9x + Win2000).

I wanted this too, about a year ago. I started with Python (first on
Win 95 but after a few weeks on Linux <www.linux.org>) and it's
an extremely good first language.

> I have minimal if no programming experience (except very basic BASIC about 15 years ago).  Should I start with Python or with Visual Basic.  What are the principal differences between the languages.
> Please try and give an unbiased view.

I'm afraid you can't get an unbiased view in here, because we're all
biased towards Python (aren't we?). Try in the comp.programming
newsgroup or be content with a biased view.

just-learn-Python-ly y'rs - gerrit.
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