`Re: [Tutor] help!!!

Ivan Van Laningham ivanlan@callware.com
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 19:24:19 -0700

Hi All, Tiffany--

Tiffany Olson wrote:
> I have a Windows, and my entire system is Gateway

What you need to do is to install Python.  Don't accept the default
directory, but install to "c:\Python" instead.  Install Tcl to "c:\Tcl".

Answer "yes" to all the rest of the questions.

Once you have done that, open a DOS prompt (found on your menu--hit the
Windows key) and type "cd c:\Python" and hit return.  After that, type
"python" and hit return.  You should get something that looks like this:

C:\Python> python
Python 1.5.2 (#0, Apr 13 1999, 10:51:12) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam

Once you see the ">>>", you know that Python is installed correctly. 
Type this:

print "Hello, world!"

and hit return.  You should see this:

>>> print "Hello, world!"
Hello, world!

And you're on your way.  Take a look at Alan's beginner tutorial at


Work some of the exercises.  When you're done, type a ^Z at the >>>
prompt.  That means press the Z and Ctrl keys simultaneously.  Python
will exit, and you'll return to the "C:\Python>" prompt.

When replying to messages from the tutor list, don't forget to make sure
that the address you're using is


If it's not, you're only replying to whomever posted that message, and
others can't chime in to help you too.

Good luck,
Ivan Van Laningham
Callware Technologies, Inc.
http://www.pauahtun.org and
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours