[Tutor] help!!!

Ivan Van Laningham ivanlan@callware.com
Fri, 25 Feb 2000 12:36:52 -0700

Hi All--

Tiffany Olson wrote:
> how can i learn python when everything is put into comparison terms! just
> tell me how to do it and i'll be able to learn it!!!

Well, I guess this is my day for BSP;-)  Sorry, folks.  I'll just repeat
what I said earlier:

If you have some programming experience already, the best choice (and
available right now) is David Ascher & Mark Lutz' _Learning Python_ from

If you have no programming experience, you can wait till the end of
March for my book, _Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours_, which is meant
explicitly for those who are complete beginners in programming and

By following this link, you go to the Python Software Activity's
Bookstore, and they get a small percentage if you buy the book by
clicking on their links:


I do not expect readers to be familiar with other programming languages,
so you won't find features in Python likened to features (or bugs) in
other languages.

> *T*I*F*F*A*N*Y*

Then you can write a book and call it _The Education of

<gordon-you'll-get-this-one>-ly y'rs,
Ivan Van Laningham
Callware Technologies, Inc.
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours