[Tutor] real numbers and variables

Caughell family caughell@netrover.com
Tue, 15 Feb 2000 23:04:47 -0500 (EST)

There was a lady named Emile van Sebille that helped me out with my real
number problem, and included a small program to illustrate the solution.
Thank you very much Emile!  

However, I now have another question!!  How would you go about getting rid
of the last decimal place on a number when you're printing it?  

Possibly this will help me do things like 

Print '$',d   (to two decimal places)

and allow me to display    $4.50      instead of $ 4.5

So far I've downloaded about 6 basic programs in python (that taught me
input and raw_input  !!), which I haven't fully gone through, and I've read
to the beginning of chapter (section?) 5 in Guido's tutorial.

I'm having a little trouble understanding lists but I will probably just go
on until it clicks.