[Tutor] pinging from python

Darrell Brogdon dbrogdon@valinux.com
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 10:44:52 -0500

For future reference:

fp = os.popen('ping -c 4 yahoo.com')
ping_results = fp.read()

I'm not sure how to explicitly close this connection yet (see the 
"valueOf() equivalent" thread)

Deirdre Saoirse wrote:

> On Sat, 16 Dec 2000, JD, Venugopal (CORP, CIM, OMC) wrote:
>> is it possible to ping to a host using python and redirect the output
>> to a comma seperated value flat file.
> First of all, this is a good way to make enemies -- ping *can* be used as
> a hostile denial-of-service. Please don't use it this way.
> Yes, there are several ways of doing this:
> 1) On Unix, you can redirect the status of an external command -- see the
> commands module.
> 2) You can re-write the c-based "ping" program in python. Source code for
> ping is available in numerous places, including with most Linux
> distributions.

Darrell Brogdon               http://darrell.brogdon.net
Web Developer - SourceForge   http://sourceforge.net
VA Linux Systems, Inc.        http://www.valinux.com