[Tutor] building callable function names on the fly

Mallett, Roger rmallett@rational.com
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 14:03:30 -0800

I would like to know if function names can be build on the fly and then the
newly built function named called.

For example:

L1:  for marker in MARKER_LIST:
L2:                if index_for_marker = my_htm_string.find(marker) > -1:
L3:		   func_name = 'Process_' + Marker                        
L4:		   my_processed_htm_string = func_name(my_htm_string)

L5:  def Process_1():...
L6:  def Process_2()....    etc.

L3/L4 is the question here.  It is obviously incorrect, but I would like to
know what the correct way would be.  I could use a bunch of *elif*
statements (one for each element in MARKER_LIST), but I would like to build
the name of the function to be called so that I have less lines to manage.

In other words, if marker = '1', then I'd like to call Process_1, however,
if marker = '2' then I'd like to call Process_2.

Can such be done?

Roger Mallett