[Tutor] little problem...

D-Man dsh8290@rit.edu
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 22:26:05 -0500

Just a guess, but you probably want to use raw_input, not input.  The traceback
you have shows that the call to the 'input' funcion failed.  I haven't checked
the docs, but it seems that it reads python code, thus the "syntax error" in
your input.


On Tue, 05 Dec 2000 21:21:53 Georges Gabereau wrote:
 | Hey,
 | This is my first post, go easy on me... :)
 | I cannot figure out why this code does not work.
 | command = input("irc>")
 | command = string.split(command, ":", 5)
 | newtext = command[1]
 | print newtext
 | If I enter "test:input", no quotes, it returns:
 | Traceback (most recent call last):
 |   File "C:\Python2.0\Georges\IRCtest\client.py", line 38, in ?
 |     command = input("irc>")
 |   File "<string>", line 1
 |     test:input
 |         ^   
 | SyntaxError: invalid syntax
 | What's wrong? Shouldn't it split my input at the : and print "input"?
 | Thanks,
 | Georges
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