[Tutor] Re: [Distutils] Installation on Win2K

Blake Winton bwinton@tor.dhs.org
Thu, 6 Apr 2000 10:13:37 -0400

* Robin Becker <robin@jessikat.demon.co.uk> [000406 03:05]:
> On my system I have Microsoft Chat, Microsoft FrontPage Express,
> Microsoft Visual Studio, .... all with spaces in side in directory
> Program Files. If I want to set up a path programatically to my VC++
> files (inside Visual studio) how do I know to use MICROS~1 rather than

Depending on how programmatically you're talking about, there's a Win32
function which will return the short name for any given long name.
But then you're interfacing with the system DLLs, and down that road
lies madness.  ;)

Or parse the output of "dir /x"...

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