[Tutor] New to this idea (!)

John Kleinjans johnk@meta3.net
Sun, 09 May 1999 08:29:44 -0500

At 11:40 PM 4/11/99 EDT, you wrote:
>	I'm fascinated with computer programing, but I have nothing for it to 
>do with it right now!  Any ideas/suggestions on what to write while
> I'm using Win 98 (control that grimace, now...it's alright, I know CPR!), 
>and, as stated before, have nothing to write!  Any suggestions would be
>and remember that I'm a novice!  Thanx!
>	Emerson B. Lancaster

1) a calculator that takes in two numbers and adds them
2) take two numbers and add, subtract, multiply, and divide
	a) check for zero; add "can't divide by zero" message
3) Quadratic formula (Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0): 
	a) get A, B, and C
	b) calcuate D = B^2 - 4*A*C (D for "determinant")
		i) if D < 0 then "no real roots"
		ii) if D == 0 then x = (your answer here)
		iii) if D > 0 then two roots; x1 and x2
	c) change 3bi to return the imaginary roots
	d) keep getting A, B, and C until the user enters 0 for A
		(then it's not quadratic any more)
4) take two aspirin and call me in the morning

- let us know how it goes. 

- john