[Tutor] chemical formula

Tim Wilson wilson@chemsun.chem.umn.edu
Tue, 30 Mar 1999 16:19:06 -0600 (CST)

Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions for my little molecular weight
app. You've given me more than enough to chew on for awhile. I plan to
study the OOP techniques that were used in creating them and see if I can
understand it. I have yet to read a good tutorial on OOP for the novice. I
find _Programming Python_ to be a little too advanced for me in that area.
I'm working my way through Guido's excellent tutorial as well, but even
there it's easy to get lost in the vocabulary. If anyone knows of some
reading I could do to get the "big picture" of OOP, please post it.

Hanging loose as usual,

Timothy D. Wilson			"A little song, a little dance,
University of MN, chem. dept.		a little seltzer down your 
wilson@chem.umn.edu			pants."   -Chuckles the Clown
Phone: (612) 625-9828                       as eulogized by Ted Baxter