[Tutor] RE: Tutor digest, Vol 1 #2 - 4 msgs

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@gssec.bt.co.uk
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 17:39:47 -0000

Since folks seem to be introducing themselves...

I am just starting with Python - looking for an alternative 
to Perl which I just hate for all sorts of reasons! Basically 
it offends my sense of programming purity. :-) But up to now 
it has been the only thing with that kind of sheer power...

I've been programming for about 15 years in C, C++, awk, 
Smalltalk, Lisp and Delphi.(Oh and COBOL but I try to forget 

Anyway, My point for a Python tutorial:

Explain the colon!!! It gets a passing mention in Lutz's book, 
none at all in Watter's book. It took me (as an experienced 
programmer) at least half an hour to figure out how/when 
the colon should be used(mainly by browsing the demo code) 
a beginner to programming with no concept of a 'block of 
code' will be baffled IMHO.

See ya'll around :-)

Alan G.