[Tutor] Children of all ages

Art Siegel ajs@ix.netcom.com
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 09:47:06 -0500

>Welcome all --

David is about half my age and has been prgramming probably five times as
long as I have.

I have learned most of what I know about programming with Python, and DA's
PyOpenGL over the past few years.

Somehow I think graphics programming is a great place to start -
particularly for kid's.  The fact that objects appear as  objects - on the
screen - helps to make the process a bit less abstract.

The beauty of Python, as a scripting language and in interactive mode, is
that it allows one to futz around - great for learning.

While I can now claim to grasp the basics of OOP and have a handle around
Python as a tool for further exploration, there as still some basics I
haven't gotten to.  But what I want to explore is less Python specific
syntax, but broader areas of technological ignorance.  Python is the tool
that will allow me to explore.

What I am not sure of is the appropriateness of this approach to the
founding concept of this list.

For example - sockets.  I haven't a clue. Other than knowing that it is a
basic technology of the web.

If it is an appropriate question here, how might I use Python to get a grasp
of the subject??