[Tutor] Accessing C library (".a") functions from Python?

sessile@in-gen.net sessile@in-gen.net
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 19:38:00 -0400

My relevent programming experience:  some Python,  negligible

I have a library file named "libtts.a" containing a bunch of
functions that I would like to make accessible through Python.
I know that a C program can access the functions by name (eg.,
"tts_get_int") if I compile the program with a link to the
library (and obey the function's requirements as spelled out
in the "tts" documentation).

I have read the Extending and Embedding Tutorial, but still
don't see how to get started.  I take it that I'm missing 
some basic concepts here... what information can I provide
to make advising me easier (or at least possible)?

E-Mail:  sessile@in-gen.net
  "I don't want the world... I just want your half."
                   -- TMBG (Anna Ng)