[Tutor] Teach Me

Tom Jenkins TomJenkins@zentuit.com
Mon, 30 Aug 1999 08:39:37 -0400

Here's what you do -
1) call up hotmail and explain it to them;
2) expect a call from South East Regional Network (searnet.com) in 
Danville, KY and explain to them why your using your account with 
them in possible violation of your agreement.

From:           	"david dumore" <davidscards@hotmail.com>
To:             	alan.gauld@bt.com, tutor@python.org
Subject:        	RE: [Tutor] Teach Me
Date sent:      	Mon, 30 Aug 1999 04:30:40 PDT

> Hello I got a question.
> Ok someone must of figured out my password to my other hotmail account that 
> I use along with this one .I can not log into it. Is there any way that I 
> could hack into it and change my password in my preferences? Is there any 
> way that I could decode the password that someone has set it to without my 
> knowing? Is there anyway to hack or figure out the secret question that this 
> person has set my account to?
> I need help! I want to access to other e-mail account!
> Thanks
> David
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Tom Jenkins                    DevIS (http://www.devis.com)
And the No. 1 response that you'll need to memorize if you plan to
bet your business on Windows 2000: "You want fries with that?"
                         - Nickolas Petreley, InfoWorld, August 23, 1999
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21