[Tutor] um i put my whole msg in the Subject line

Joseph J. Strout joe@strout.net
Thu, 26 Aug 1999 07:57:28 -0700

At 5:38 PM +1000 08/26/99, Geoff Coady wrote:

>i downloaded all the python and it does not work can u tell me why?

Nope, not unless you provide more detail than "does not work". 
Presumably something either happened that you didn't expect to 
happen, or something you expected failed to happen.  E.g., you 
double-clicked "Python" and your monitor exploded (much to your 
surprise).  But without these sorts of details, how could we possibly 
guess what's going on?

> and i so much want to know how to hack so can u send me a manual 
>for it with a reason why it does not work please

No, we can't, but we can point you to http://www.python.org/doc/ 
where you'll find extensive and excellent documentation.

> i really need to know!!!

Then tell us what went wrong so we can help.

> i love everything that all hackers do that's why i want to be one 
>so if u could send me stuff i would be happy

Well, I suppose this message counts as "stuff", so here you go.  ;)

Good luck finding your Shift and Return keys,
-- Joe

|    Joseph J. Strout           Biocomputing -- The Salk Institute |
|    joe@strout.net             http://www.strout.net              |