[TriPython] Reboot TriPython to online meeting starting in August

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Mon Jul 20 13:00:05 EDT 2020

Hi, TriPython. Eric and I discussed rebooting fourth Thursday TriPython meetings using RENCI's Zoom (we have an unlimited license). We also discussed doing it every other month to interleave with the every-other-month PyData Triangle meetings. And we discussed having those meetings start at 6pm instead of 7pm since cross-Triangle travel to a meeting site will not be involved.

So, consider this a call for speakers. If you would like to the featured speaker for an online meeting on Thursday, August 27 at 6pm, please speak up on this list. We will also have lightning talks. And with this much notice, we ought to have some really good lightning talks. Maybe also signal your intention to give a lightning talk (let's say 7 minutes) as it will be harder to recognize volunteers for lightning talks at an online meeting. That way, we can have a queue of lightning talkers ready to go.


Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

-------------- next part --------------
   Hi, TriPython. Eric and I discussed rebooting fourth Thursday TriPython
   meetings using RENCI's Zoom (we have an unlimited license). We also
   discussed doing it every other month to interleave with the
   every-other-month PyData Triangle meetings. And we discussed having those
   meetings start at 6pm instead of 7pm since cross-Triangle travel to a
   meeting site will not be involved.


   So, consider this a call for speakers. If you would like to the featured
   speaker for an online meeting on Thursday, August 27 at 6pm, please speak
   up on this list. We will also have lightning talks. And with this much
   notice, we ought to have some really good lightning talks. Maybe also
   signal your intention to give a lightning talk (let's say 7 minutes) as it
   will be harder to recognize volunteers for lightning talks at an online
   meeting. That way, we can have a queue of lightning talkers ready to go.





   Chris Calloway

   Applications Analyst

   University of North Carolina

   Renaissance Computing Institute

   (919) 599-3530


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