[TriPython] Virtual Meetups

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Mon Jul 13 12:09:26 EDT 2020

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I, too, think online meetings are a good idea. I've just been to lazy/overworked (your choice) to organize them. Eric wrote me about this offline today (and I will answer you today, Eric). 

Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

On 7/12/20, 6:14 PM, "TriZPUG on behalf of Eric Thomson" <trizpug-bounces+cbc=unc.edu at python.org on behalf of thomson at neuro.duke.edu> wrote:

    Hi Tiago: this is an interesting question thanks for taking the initiative to bring it up.
    While I organize Durham Project night, a format not conducive to online meetings (a bunch of people sitting around coding and eating pizza with random code chat interspersed), one very doable option would be to condense all of the Tripython meetups into one: basically the Tripython meetup would absorb all three Project nights so we'd have a speaker and lightning talks, and that's it.
    I'm curious what people think?
    If you look at the larger meetups in the area (e.g., AI now) they are continuing on with online meetups. It would be a shame if TriPython were to be hobbled for too long by this damned virus.
    From: TriZPUG <trizpug-bounces+thomson=neuro.duke.edu at python.org> on behalf of Tiago Mendes <t.trindade.mendes at gmail.com>
    Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:08 PM
    To: trizpug at python.org <trizpug at python.org>
    Subject: [TriPython] Virtual Meetups
    Hi All,
    Hope everyone is well!
    I'm reaching out because, simply put, I miss the meetups!
    Shortly after moving to RTP I stumbled upon this group and managed to
    participate in 2 different meetups prior to the pandemic.
    I'm enjoying learning Python by myself but would like to see the group come
    together, even if we do so virtually!
    What would you think of having a virtual meeting at the same time/date we
    typically used to meet?
    I've setup a Discord Server, https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://discord.gg/j73CeQT__;!!OToaGQ!5aVe3gh5rHbt82tNvNlQxrZVtzVwj4LRIC1llr3x-Eewkt1K4u42EsS0BMHuadODJOn7$  which is free and
    could accommodate the group. I think Discord is fairly well known, but for
    those that dont know it, it supports chat/audio/video meetings with
    multiple people, screen share and a lot more. One of the things I enjoy is
    the fact that you can have multiple rooms within a single instance, meaning
    that different groups of people can work on something together on different
    voice channels. Another cool thing is that the "meeting rooms" are always
    online/accessible  which differs from a webinar where the meeting room
    opens/closes at a specified time/date. Last but not least, I think Discord
    would work well because the administrative burden of running this is
    minimal. I've set up a few rooms and basic permissions in a matter of
    Is this something we could try?
    Tiago M.

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