[TriPython] Python for kids

Erik Rose grinch at grinchcentral.com
Mon Nov 25 21:37:10 EST 2019

I got started at about that age. I’m sure every individual is different, but what motivated me was simply to have neat programs (games, demos) running on my computer. I didn’t have a modem, so all I could do was type in listings from magazines. Basically, I learned through mimicry, the same way I learned English! Then, inevitably, I would make transcription errors, which forced me to learn debugging. It was a natural and fun way to get started.


> On Nov 25, 2019, at 14:10, <PySimpleGUI at pysimplegui.com> <PySimpleGUI at pysimplegui.com> wrote:
> I wasn't quite coding at 9 so it's difficult for me to envision what a 9 year old can or is motivated to do with coding.

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