[TriPython] Durham Project NIght Tonight: There will be food!

Eric Thomson thomson at neuro.duke.edu
Mon Sep 17 10:45:28 EDT 2018

Sorry to spam everyone, but I wanted to let folks know that Caktus has graciously offered to continue supplying pizza for our Durham Project Nights, so there will be food tonight! Last month I dropped the ball with that aspect of the transition.

Hope to see you there!

From: Eric Thomson
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 10:38 AM
To: Triangle (North Carolina) Python Users Group (formerly TriZPUG)
Subject: Durham Project NIght Tonight 6PM @ Caktus: It's on!

FYI I as things stand, I plan to be at Caktus for Durham Project Night tonight. If the power is out, or anything extreme like that, I will be sure to send out an email letting people know at 5:45, or earlier if possible.

That said, please everyone *BE CAREFUL* if driving: the rain this morning brought some flooding.



Have a project you want to show off, share, seek help with, or just get some work done surrounded by like minded Python lovers? Join us for our monthly project night and do just that! Don't have something to work on? Just need some help with Python? Show up and enjoy the energy, sprint on an open source project, find something interesting to contribute to or be inspired by!

The setting is informal and there is no schedule, so don't worry if you show up past the start time. Whether you are a Python newbie needing help or have an open source project you want to share, come hang out and hack. Park in the municipal deck on the other side of the Arts Council across W. Morgan St. The entrance to the Caktus Tech Space is on Morris St.

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