[TriPython] A 'Pythonic' Daily WTF

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Wed Sep 12 11:17:49 EDT 2018

Pythonic = doing thing the Python was with Python idioms. Especially ones that take advantage of Python as just a bunch of dictionaries.

Dunder methods = pythonic (and not magic; they are explicit; every operators association with a particular dunder method is well known).

Programmatically setting an increasing recursion limit = insane (i.e., not pythonic). Just because you can do something with a dunder method doesn't make it pythonic.

I like that description, "footgun," though. That was funny.

Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

On 9/12/18, 6:26 AM, "TriZPUG on behalf of Mark Hutchinson via TriZPUG" <trizpug-bounces+cbc=unc.edu at python.org on behalf of trizpug at python.org> wrote:

    As Florence approaches, here's a story to 'lighten' your spirits:

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