[TriPython] Need a Durham Project Night Coordinator(s)

Eric Thomson thomson at neuro.duke.edu
Thu Jul 19 17:43:39 EDT 2018

Hi Chris: I have been using Django to do side projects, and at work am just starting to build a Python-heavy virtual-reality setup for fish, which at some point I will probably present at one of these meetups (basically, do real-time 3d tracking of a fish, and feed this info to a rendering engine that projects a scene to the fish's environment, to trick the fish). I have gotten a lot of help from the various Python meetups over the years, I'd hate to see the Caktus-based Project Night die off.


From: TriZPUG [trizpug-bounces+thomson=neuro.duke.edu at python.org] on behalf of Calloway, Chris [cbc at unc.edu]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2018 3:53 PM
To: Triangle (North Carolina) Python Users Group (formerly TriZPUG)
Subject: Re: [TriPython] Need a Durham Project Night Coordinator(s)

Wow, Eric. That's very generous of you. I'm going to put you in contract with the Caktus point person for our access to their Tech Space. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me off-list. I'll also send you more information off-list.

What Python packages do you use at Duke Neurobiology?



Chris Calloway

Applications Analyst

University of North Carolina

Renaissance Computing Institute

(919) 599-3530

On 7/18/18, 4:12 PM, "TriZPUG on behalf of Eric Thomson" <trizpug-bounces+cbc=unc.edu at python.org on behalf of thomson at neuro.duke.edu> wrote:

    I'd be glad to take over for Mark.




    From: TriZPUG [trizpug-bounces+thomson=neuro.duke.edu at python.org] on behalf of Calloway, Chris [cbc at unc.edu]

    Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 2:55 PM

    To: Triangle (North Carolina) Python Users Group (formerly TriZPUG)

    Subject: [TriPython] Need a Durham Project Night Coordinator(s)

    The long-time Durham Project Night coordinator, Mark Lavin, is stepping down and we thank him for his many years of service. Caktus has suggested that we seek a replacement from among our ranks and they would coordinate with that person.

    This involves being responsible for a card access key to the Caktus Tech Space, showing up for the project night by 6pm on third Mondays, letting people in, ensuring awareness of the code of conduct, and finally closing up the space at 9pm. Hopefully, this coordinator would also conduct introductions between attendees when a critical mass of people have shown up as well as facilitating any announcements or discussions as the coordinator feels useful for making attendees feel welcome and oriented. Totally optional: finding a pizza sponsor.

    If being present for every third Monday sounds like more of a commitment than you would want to take on, possibly there could be a team of two or three coordinators who would back each other up. Multiple coordinators would probably need to coordinate the exchange of the access key with each other. I would imagine Caktus would want to limit the number of access keys but maybe they would provide one to each of multiple coordinators. We already have an access keys used for our monthly featured speaker meetings at Caktus each quarter.

    If you have an interest in continuing Durham Project Nights at Caktus, please speak up.



    Chris Calloway

    Applications Analyst

    University of North Carolina

    Renaissance Computing Institute

    (919) 599-3530


    TriZPUG mailing list

    TriZPUG at python.org


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