[TriPython] Jan 24 Talk: Python Testing With Pytest

Tim Hopper tdhopper at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 10:00:43 EST 2018

Jan. 24 at RENCI

Python Testing With Pytest

Description: In this talk, I will introduce Pytest, a testing framework for
Python (e.g. an alternative to unittest or Nose). Pytest is simple enough
to allow you to start writing tests with zero boiler plate, but grows with
your project into a powerful solution for even the most complex software

Bio: Tim Hopper is a senior data scientist at Cylance where he works on
machine learning approaches to malware detection. Prior to Cylance, he
worked in blocking malicious automated web traffic and developing a Python
library for nonparametric Latent Dirichlet Allocation. He has a masters
degree in operations research from North Carolina State University. He
lives in Raleigh with his wife and energetic 1 year old.
-------------- next part --------------
   Jan. 24 at RENCI**
   Python Testing With Pytest
   Description: In this talk, I will introduce Pytest, a testing framework
   for Python (e.g. an alternative to unittest or Nose). Pytest is simple
   enough to allow you to start writing tests with zero boiler plate, but
   grows with your project into a powerful solution for even the most complex
   software projects.**
   Bio: Tim Hopper is a senior data scientist at Cylance where he works on
   machine learning approaches to malware detection. Prior to Cylance, he
   worked in blocking malicious automated web traffic and developing a Python
   library for nonparametric Latent Dirichlet Allocation. He has a masters
   degree in operations research from North Carolina State University. He
   lives in Raleigh with his wife and energetic 1 year old.

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