[TriPython] Jupyter Day is coming!

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Fri Aug 31 15:39:15 EDT 2018

Jupyter Day is coming the UNC campus on November 13. More details soon. It is low cost ($30 public, $10 students). We are looking for a last mile sponsor ($2000). If this sounds like something which you, your business, or your employer would like to sponsor, please reply to me directly.


Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

-------------- next part --------------
   Jupyter Day is coming the UNC campus on November 13. More details soon. It
   is low cost ($30 public, $10 students). We are looking for a last mile
   sponsor ($2000). If this sounds like something which you, your business,
   or your employer would like to sponsor, please reply to me directly.



   Chris Calloway

   Applications Analyst

   University of North Carolina

   Renaissance Computing Institute

   (919) 599-3530

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