[TriPython] Speaker needed for August

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Mon Aug 6 11:51:36 EDT 2018

Our August meeting on the 23rd will be a Red Hat Annex in Raleigh (our WebAssign host is indisposed on the date).

If you would like to be a featured speaker at this meeting, please reply to this email with your Python-related talk title, brief talk description, and brief bio for announcements.


Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

-------------- next part --------------
   Our August meeting on the 23^rd will be a Red Hat Annex in Raleigh (our
   WebAssign host is indisposed on the date).

   If you would like to be a featured speaker at this meeting, please reply
   to this email with your Python-related talk title, brief talk description,
   and brief bio for announcements.



   Chris Calloway

   Applications Analyst

   University of North Carolina

   Renaissance Computing Institute

   (919) 599-3530

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