[TriPython] #tripython on freenode

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Mon Aug 6 11:11:57 EDT 2018

I haven't seen the spam to which you refer on #tripython. But I did set the channel mode to +r and did see the freenode blog posts.

Because of this, if you find yourself unable to use the channel, you may need to register your handle and login to freenode. If you need help with that, this information still applies: http://tripython.org/Members/cbc/irc-basics.html

It is bad form to reveal the identity of handles. But I can confirm that DawgDaze is still a member of this email list. There are other people, like me, who can op the channel.

If anyone is interested in being added to the op list, ping me offlist. You would need to be a regular participant in TriPython and the channel.

I've not instituted a Slack channel for us yet as (a) not open source, (b) FOSS development is still heavily based on freenode, (c) limitations of free tier. However, if you have a preference one way or the other for Slack, please let me know.

Of course, this is something anyone who feels strongly can do in our do-acracy. I just thought I'd poll for a consensus first.

Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

On 8/4/18, 8:02 AM, "TriZPUG on behalf of Christopher O'Brien" <trizpug-bounces+cbc=unc.edu at python.org on behalf of obriencj at gmail.com> wrote:

    is anyone actively watching #tripython on FreeNode? There's been a massive
    spam flood lately. FreeNode has been recommending channels going +r (even
    if only temporarily) to keep out the bots.
    ChanServ says #tripython is registered to DawgDaze. Are they on this list

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