[TriPython] November Meeting Needs a Speaker

Og Maciel omaciel at ogmaciel.com
Mon Oct 30 12:20:04 EDT 2017

Title: Web UI Automation with Selenium for Beginners

Abstract:  In this talk I will cover web ui automation using selenium with a focus on the Python programming language. Attendants will learn how to easily gather web ui information, record their actions and play them back via Selenium IDE, then learn how to write Python code to perform the same actions and finally how to use your automation with py.test. Other topic that will be discussed, time allowing, will be how to use SauceLabs to execute automated tests on multiple types of operating systems and web browser combinations.

Bio:  Og is a Senior Manager of Quality Engineering for the Red Hat Satellite team. He has spent the last 5+ years building a team of black belt quality engineers responsible for the automation of complex systems and delivering quality products through the use of continuous delivery of processes. He is also a podcaster, a dad, and an avid reader.
Og Maciel - GPG Keys: CD03D583
omaciel at ogmaciel.com

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