[TriPython] February TriPython Meeting Speakers Sought

Kevin Howell kevin at kahowell.net
Tue Feb 7 10:29:12 EST 2017


Please let me know if you'd like me to expand/revise any of the below:

Title: Android Apps in Python using python-for-android
Description: python-for-android is an open-source toolchain for building 
Android apps using Python. We will discuss mobile application 
architectures, mobile user interface options, porting existing code to 
Android apps, and calling Android APIs from Python.
Brief Bio: Kevin Howell is a software engineer at Red Hat, where he 
works on the team that develops subscription management tooling. Kevin 
has been using Python since 2008.


P.S. I plan to attend project night tonight. See you there :-)
On 02/06/2017 02:54 PM, Calloway, Chris wrote:
> Great! Thanks, Kevin. Please send me a talk title, description, and brief bio for the announcement.

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