[TriPython] survey

Brian Fannin captain at pirategrunt.com
Sat Dec 16 15:20:56 EST 2017

   I'll have a look at the survey. Meanwhile, among us folks, I'm not sure
   that I'd regard Python + Excel as progress. I'd much rather Microsoft (or
   anyone) got behind printer-friendly output for Python results. Something
   like R Markdown (which I adore), but which makes it easier to tweak page
   layout. Formatting the arrangement of multiple tables so that they fit on
   a single page is about the only reason to use a spreadsheet IMHO.

   On 12/15/2017 11:58 AM, Mark Hutchinson wrote:

    Microsoft is considering adding Python as a supported language in Excel.
     One would hope that Python might be a VBA alternative in all MS Office
    If you would like to share your thoughts with Microsoft, please visit this
    Mark Hutchinson


   Visible links
   1. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=v4j5cvGGr0GRqy180BHbR7tUuWqOwSJFpBE5ZLhdkgtUMkhZWlkxRjhDRklXSjNTVkNSWkE2WlNQMS4u

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