[TriPython] PyOhio proposal submission deadline 15th May

Philip Semanchuk philip at pyspoken.com
Wed May 11 11:35:37 EDT 2016

Hi all,
The deadline for submitting a talk/presentation proposal for PyOhio is this Sunday, May 15th. The conference is free and takes place Saturday, July 30th, and Sunday, July 31st, 2016.

From their site:

Who Should Submit a Proposal?
You. Your friends. Your friends' friends. Anyone with any level of Python knowledge is a candidate for a great topic at this conference. As we get attendees of all kinds, we need speakers of all kinds. In all ways and manners, we try to assemble the most diverse conference we can, and we do that with your help.

You can edit stuff later, so don't over-think it.

Hope to see you there,

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