[TriPython] Final reminder TriLUG RPi Talks tonight! We are giving away 3d Printed TriTux collector’s items!

Jeremy Davis jeremyhwllc at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 16:24:55 EDT 2016

Sorry this is last minute.. Try to make it you can. We will be giving away
3d Printed TriTux collector’s items! Courtesy of Brian Henning

We have a great meeting ready to happen for you all related to Raspberry Pi.
Details here at this link:  http://trilug.org/TriLUG-RPi-Talks-14-July-2016

It’s an honor to have Dr. Jasper speaking for TriLUG tonight! Bio: Warren
Jasper is Professor and Textile Engineering Program Director at North
Carolina State University.

This will be 7-9pm at the RTP Frontier, which is an awesome location with
plenty of room for everyone. Free admission, free pizza, free drinks, free
parking, free software…

The Frontier, 800 Park Offices Drive, Durham, NC

Map: RTP Frontier <https://goo.gl/maps/g1PbFnLEV4L2>

RTP Frontier meeting location courtesy of Oak City Technology

We look forward to seeing you there!

Jeremy Davis
-------------- next part --------------
   Sorry this is last minute.. Try to make it you can. We will be giving away
   3d Printed TriTux collector***s items! Courtesy of Brian Henning

   We have a great meeting ready to happen for you all related to Raspberry
   Pi. [2]Details here at this link:

   It***s an honor to have Dr. Jasper speaking for TriLUG tonight! Bio:
   Warren Jasper is Professor and Textile Engineering Program Director at
   North Carolina State University.

   This will be 7-9pm at the RTP Frontier, which is an awesome location with
   plenty of room for everyone. Free admission, free pizza, free drinks, free
   parking, free software***

   The Frontier, 800 Park Offices Drive, Durham, NC

   Map:  [4]RTP Frontier

   RTP Frontier meeting location courtesy of Oak City Technology

   We look forward to seeing you there!

   Jeremy Davis


   Visible links
   1. https://www.3dhubs.com/raleigh/hubs/brian
   2. http://trilug.org/TriLUG-RPi-Talks-14-July-2016
   3. https://textiles.ncsu.edu/blog/team/warren-jasper/
   4. https://goo.gl/maps/g1PbFnLEV4L2
   5. http://www.oakcitytechnology.com/
   6. http://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremydavisprofile/
   7. http://www.trianglecareerdevelopment.com/

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