[TriPython] PyData Carolinas 2016

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Tue Jul 5 11:41:21 EDT 2016

The call for proposals deadline for PyData Carolinas 2016 has been 
extended to July 24. Get your talk and tutorial proposals in now! 
Speakers get in free.

On 4/27/16 4:02 PM, Chris Calloway wrote:
> It is my privilege and honor to be able to announce PyData Carolinas
> 2016 to you:
> http://pydata.org/carolinas2016
> PyData Carolinas is a celebration of Python in data science. PyData
> conferences have featured top leaders of Python data science projects
> and PyData Carolinas will be no exception. PyData conferences promote
> diversity in the Python data science community and are governed by an
> inclusive code of conduct:
> http://pydata.org/carolinas2016/about/code-of-conduct/
> PyData Carolinas will take place Wednesday through Friday, September
> 14-16 at the IBM RTP Activity Center with a conference capacity of 400
> attendees. The first day features 12 tutorials in three tracks. The
> following two days feature keynotes, lightning talks, and 30 session
> talks in three tracks. The event is fully catered and will have two
> evening social events in downtown Durham.
> PyData Carolinas is organized by TriPython, PyLadies RDU, Research
> Triangle Analysts, Analytics.Club Raleigh, the NCSU Institute for
> Advanced Analytics, the UNC Renaissance Computing Institute, Research
> Triangle Institute, MaxPoint, MediaMath, the Durham Convention and
> Visitors Bureau, DataCrunch Lab, Fidelity Investments, and Bull City
> Coworking. Sponsors to date include IBM, Continuum Analytics, the
> National Consortium for Data Science, and Issuer Direct Corporation. You
> can add your company to that list.
> I'm calling on TriPython members for four actions in conjunction with
> PyData Carolinas: sponsor, propose, register, and volunteer.
> Sponsor - PyData Carolinas is produced under the auspices of NumFOCUS
> (http://numfocus.org), a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation which sponsors
> the Python scientific stack, the Julia language, and some R tools.
> That's the same NumFOCUS that sent our own Luke Campagnola to the SciPy
> Conference last year which greatly influenced the future of matplotlib.
> All proceeds from PyData Carolinas go to support the work of NumFOCUS
> from which we all benefit.
> We need sponsors. You can see a list of sponsor benefits at:
> http://pydata.org/carolinas2016/sponsors/benefits/
> You can do more than attend this conference. You can get your employer
> to be a sponsor of PyData Carolinas and get free conference passes with
> your sponsorship. If you are interested in sponsoring PyData Carolinas,
> please contact:
> sponsorship at pydatacarolinas.org
> Interested community groups (Triangle Julia User Group, I'm looking at
> you) may also support PyData Carolinas as community sponsors.
> Propose - You can be a speaker at PyData Carolinas. Proposals for talks
> and tutorials are being accepted now at:
> http://pydata.org/carolinas2016/cfp/
> Proposals are review by a panel of experts. Accepted speakers will be
> among the finest company in the Python data science community. And
> speakers attend PyData Carolinas for free!
> Register - Early bird registration is open now:
> http://www.eventbrite.com/e/pydata-carolinas-2016-tickets-24406547641
> Space is limited and this event will sell out. So reserve your spot now.
> Early bird ends one week after the conference program is fully published
> and who know when that will be. Maybe soon. :)
> Early bird registration fees are:
> All three days (limited to 190), tutorials and talks, September 14-16
> Academic - $150
> Individual - $275
> Start-up - $325
> Corporate - $375
> Two talk days only (limited to 400), September 15-16
> Academic - $100
> Individual - $225
> Start-up - $275
> Corporate - $325
> One day tutorial only (limited to 190), September 14
> All levels: $100
> Volunteer - You can help. All kinds of help are needed. At the
> conference we will need to man the registration table, assist with the
> exhibit hall, provide session chairs, post greeters, and many other
> tasks. Write the committee co-chairs for volunteering your interests:
> sponsorship at pydatacarolinas.org (organizes sponsorships)
> communications at pydatacarolinas.org (manages social media)
> diversity at pydatacarolinas.org (scholarships and COC enforcement)
> hospitality at pydatacarolinas.org (hotels, transportation, social events)
> operations at pydatacarolinas.org (volunteers at the conference)
> production at pydatacarolinas.org (printed matter, signage, t-shirts)
> program at pydatacarolinas.org (proposal evaluation and program schedule)
> audiovisual at pydatacarolinas.org (AV reinforcement and recording liaison)
> This is the biggest deal TriPython has ever been involved in to date and
> I'm very excited about it. I hope you will participate and experience
> the excitement for yourself. Because TriPython is so important to PyData
> Carolinas, you are the first organization to get this written
> announcement. (It has been very softly released for about two weeks now.)


Chris Calloway, Applications Analyst
UNC Renaissance Computing Institute
100 Europa Drive, Suite 540, Chapel Hill, NC 27517
(919) 599-3530

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